This balance bike (same frame as the LR 1) has air tires and a brake. The easy to use and very low maintenance brake is perfect for children to gain some experience with a brake.
- "banana saddle" for stability and comfort but still supportive of the child's running movements.
- child friendly brake with specific modifications made to perfectly accommodate the child's hand
- low entry for easy getting on and off which also gives a sense of confidence to novice drivers.
- large footboard to rest feet on whilst going downhill to lower the center of gravity for a much safer experience.
- air tired wheels to grip onto any surface and can be adapted by the adjustment of the air pressure to the personal preferences of the children
- height adjustable saddle and handlebar to get the longest possible use out of your bike.
- seat height: 13 1/3 to 18 1/2 in.
Recommended for children 3 years and up. Max total weight 55 lbs. Use with protective gear. Not to be used in traffic.
Engineered and made in Germany