An entry into the two-wheeled world. This balance bike has two wheels to further strengthen balance and also offer more maneuverability. The next step after the three wheeled PUKYmoto.
- "banana saddle" a specially developed saddle for balance bikes. gives children secure grip while also supporting their running movements
- safety grips with large baffles to ensure that the hands are safe while also providing great grip
- low entry to make it easy to get on and off of the bikes which gives drivers a lot of safety whilst building their confidence in themselves and the vehicle.
- large footboard for when a child is going down hill to ensure safety with a low center of gravity
- handlebar protector so that if they do fall, the damage is minimized with this foam pad
- height adjustable seat and handlebar to continuously adapt to your child's growth
- seat height: 11 3/4 to 17 in.
Recommended for children 2 years and up. Max weight 55 lbs. Use with protective gear. Not for use in traffic.
Engineered and made in Germany